Archival Research

Van Dyck

Building a new causeway and stairs at Van Dyck’s house (17 April 1635)


Auditors of the Imprest and Commissioners of Audit, Declared Accounts 1500 – 1849: costs for a new causeway and river-stairs to be built at Van Dyck’s house at Blackfriars to enable the King to visit in June and July to view paintings there, work done by Richard Duckworth and Stephen Crayer, Sawyers, and John Sweat, Carpenter.

 Place, date
Westminster, 17-4-1635

Archival reference
The National Archives, Kew AO 1/2427/64

Transcribed by James Innes-Mulraine

Publication history

Previously untranscribed in full

Listed in:

  • Susan J. Barnes, Nora De Poorter, Oliver Millar, Horst Vey Van Dyck: A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings Yale University Press 2003, chronology 17th April 1635

How to cite: Innes-Mulraine, James. “Building a new causeway and stairs at Van Dyck’s house.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies. accessed 22 February 2025)

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Alsoe allowed to the said Accomptante for money by him yssued and paid for workes and Reparacions donne and performed within the tyme of this Accompte at the Blackfryers in making a new Cawsey way, and a new paire of Staires for the Kings Majesty to land to goe to Sir Anthony Vandikes house there to see his Paintings in the monethes of June and July 1635 videlicet for 43lb of spikes at 66 shillings and one penny Provicions oute of the Stoare at Scotland yard yssued in theis woorkes and before Charged at 118 shillings and eight pence. In all £6, 14 shillings and ninepence Carriages by Land and water of sondry of the said Provicions six shillings and sixpence To Richard Duckworth and Stephen Crayer Sawyers for cutting 1,350 foote of Tymber into Scanthings at 2 shillings and sixpence the hundredth 33 shillings and ninepence. And to John Sweat Carpenter for sharping and driving piles of Tymber three foote long the peece in two rankes 150 foot in length each ranke and fitting and spiking plancks to those Piles to make a Cawseway  ten foot broad all the aforesaid length and filling it upp with Gravel for a Barge to Lande at as alsoe making and putting upp a new paire of Staires to Land upp into the Garden there and removing of Shores on the Outeside of the wharfe the which troubled the passage and tying of the wharfe in with Landties the King finding Tymber sawing and Ironworke and hee only woorkmanshipp and Gravell allowed by agreement for all the premisses £11 In all the said Charges of the workes and Repairacions donne uppon the Cawseway and wharfe at Blackefryers aforesaid As by one Particuler Paybooke thereof subscribed by the Officers and Cheife Clarke of the woorkes hereupon duely perused cast tryed examined and remayning doth and may appeare the summe of £20

This transcription has no translation