Archival Research

Van Dyck

‘St Peter and St Paul’ in the inventory of Joan Baptista I Anthoine (28-03-1691)


The panel painting ‘St Peter and St Paul by Van Dyck’ was mentioned in the inventory of decease of Joan Bapt[is]ta Anthoine, knight, postmaster and widower of Suzanna Maria de Lannoij. He died on the 27th of March 1691.

Place and date
Antwerp, 28-03-1691

Archival reference
Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, N # 2525, f° 204

Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Notaris Jan Michiel Lodewijcx (1697), N # 2525,
f° 204-245v, 28-03-1691-245v

Transcribed by Ingrid Moortgat

Publication history

Extract published by:

  • Duverger, Erik. Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit de zeventiende eeuw. Brussel : Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, 1984-2009, vol. 12, p 92.
  • Van Den Branden, Frans Jos. “Verzameling van schilderijen te Antwerpen.” In Antwerpsch Archievenblad, dl. 22, p 77-89.
  • Denucé, Jan. De Antwerpsche “konstkamers” : inventarissen van kunstverzamelingen te Antwerpen in de 16e en 17e eeuwen. Antwerpen: De Sikkel, 1932, p 353-365.

Panel Painting mentioned in:

  • Barnes, Susan J., Nora De Poorter, Oliver Millar and Horst Vey. Van Dyck. A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2004, p 71.
  • As reference in the provenance of the panel painting “Christ and the Twelve Apostles”.

How to cite: Moortgat, Ingrid. “’St Peter and St Paul’ in the inventory of Joan Baptista I Anthoine.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies. (accessed 27 March 2025)

© Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project (terms and conditions)

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Folio 204r

Inventaris van ende
igelijkcke de goederen
haeffelijcke ende erffelijcke
rurende ende onrurende
contante penninge, onge-
munt, goudt ende silvere,
juwelen, schilderijen,
meubelen, actien en crediten,
naergelaeten ende com-
peterende den sterffhuijse
van wijlen m[on]sie[u]r Joan Bapt[is]ta
Anthoine, riddere ende
postmeester binnen dese
stadt, den welcken op den
sevenentwintichsten meerte
anno xvic eenentnegentich
deser weirelt is comen
te overlijden des avonts
omtrent den negenen in
sijne huijsinge gestaen
int Kipdorp, naerlaetende
negen kinderen met name
Jo[nk]er Ludovicus ende Joan Bapt[is]ta
Anthoine [in de marge: directeurs vant postoffitie], vrouwe Maria
Alexandrina Anthoine in
houwelijck hebbende m[on]sie[u]r don
Thomas Fraula [in de marge: riddere, secretaris van sijne co[ninklijke]
ma[jestei]ts raedt ende commis
van sijne domeijnen ende financien], Jouff[rou]we
Joanna Maria, geestelijcke
Dochter, Jouff[rou]we Barbara
Catharine Anthoine, begijntien, vrouwe
Theresa Maria, in houwelijck
hebbende [onleesbaar] Joan Potter
vander Loo [in de marge: heer van Hesbain, raedt ende
commis van sijne ma[jestei]ts domeijnen
ende financien], Jouff[rou]we Isabela
Clara, jongedochter, Jo[nk]er
Guillielmus Josephus ende
Joan Bapt[is]ta Xaverius Anthoine,
daer moeder van was

Inventory of the goods of Joan Bapt[is]ta Anthoine, knight, postmaster and widower of Suzanna Maria de Lannoij. He died on the 27th of March 1691 in his residence in Kipdorp and  left behind nine children: Ludovicus and Joan Baptista Anthoine, postmasters; Maria Alexandrina Anthoine, married to Thomas Fraula, knight and secretary of his majesty’s council and commissioner of his estates and finance; Joanna Maria; Barbara; Catharine Anthoine, beguine; Theresa Maria, married to Joan Potter vander Loo, lord of Hesbain, commissioner of his majesty’s estates and finance; Isabela Clara; Guillielmus Josephus and Joan Baptista Xaverius Anthoine.

The inventory is made by the notary Joan Michael Lodewijcx by request and in the presence of Ludovicus and Joan Baptista Anthoine, guardians to the minor children and representatives of the other siblings.

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Folio 204v

vrouwe Suzanna Maria de
Lannoij, welcke kinderen
des afflijvigen sijne erffge-
namen heeft geinstitueert
ende in regarde van eenige
der selver op de conditien
ende sesteirtien begrepen in
des selffs testament op de
sessentwintichsten deser
loopende maent meerte
voor mij notaris present
getuijghen gepasseert
welcken desen inventaris
is gemaeckt door mij
Joan Michael Lodewijcx,
openbare notaris soo bij
sijne co[ninklijke] ma[jestei]ts secreten
raede als des selffs
souverainen raede in Brabant
geordonneert t Antwerpen
residerende ten versuecke
ende ten overstaen van de
gemelde Jo[nk]ers Ludovicus ende
Joan Bapt[is]ta Anthoine als
momboiren bij den afflijvingen
genomineert over de
minderjarige in desen
als oock te versuecken ende
overstaen van de andere
voorgemelde meerderiarige
kinderen ende begonst op heden
den achtentwintichsten der
voorseiden maent meerte
tot consideratie van den ijdelen
recht ende competentie
ende bevonden soo ende
gelijck als volght

After the introduction the notary lists the goods found in the home of the deceased.

Inventory of the goods of Joan Bapt[is]ta Anthoine, knight, postmaster and widower of Suzanna Maria de Lannoij. He died on the 27th of March 1691 in his residence in Kipdorp and  left behind nine children: Ludovicus and Joan Baptista Anthoine, postmasters; Maria Alexandrina Anthoine, married to Thomas Fraula, knight and secretary of his majesty’s council and commissioner of his estates and finance; Joanna Maria; Barbara; Catharine Anthoine, beguine; Theresa Maria, married to Joan Potter vander Loo, lord of Hesbain, commissioner of his majesty’s estates and finance; Isabela Clara; Guillielmus Josephus and Joan Baptista Xaverius Anthoine.

The inventory is made by the notary Joan Michael Lodewijcx by request and in the presence of Ludovicus and Joan Baptista Anthoine, guardians to the minor children and representatives of the other siblings.

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Folio 222v

In this part of the inventory the paintings and drawings owned by the deceased are registered.

N° 69-70    Petrus ende Paulus doeck
op pineel geplact van Van
Dijck                         400 –

N° 69-70      Petrus and Paulus canvas
glued to panel by Van
Dyck                          400