The panel paintings ‘Two (study) Heads of Apostles’ and ‘St Matthew and St Jacob’ by Van Dyck were mentioned in the inventory of decease of Jan Baptista Borrekens.
Place and date
Antwerp, 22-06-1668
Archival reference
Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, N # 1345, 22-06-1668.
Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Notaris Herman Duys (1664-1669), N # 1345, 22-06-1668.
Images: © FelixArchief, Stadsarchief Antwerpen
Transcribed by Ingrid Moortgat
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Panel Paintings mentioned in:
How to cite: Moortgat, Ingrid. “’St Mathys and St Jacob’ in the inventory of Jan Baptista Borrekens.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies. (accessed 22 February 2025)
Inventaris van <principaelste, superscript> meubele goederen
ende huysraet, berustende <in den grooten, superscript> huyse van
S[eigneu]r Jan Bap[tis]ta Borrekens, <genaempt St Jan, superscript> gestaen op den
Oever alhier, begonst den 22 juny 1668.
After the introduction the notary lists the goods found in the home of the deceased.
Inventory of the goods of Jan Baptista Borrekens found in his residence named St Jan on the Oever. The inventory is made by the notary Herman Duys at the request of the deceased.
In this part of the inventory the paintings found in the ‘derde camer beneden’ (third room downstairs) are registered.
Noch twee panneelen [apo, doorstreept] met lysten synde trognien van appostelen
geschildert by Van Dyck
Noch twee appostelen van Van Dyck St Mathys ende St Jacop
Two more panels with frames being (studies for) heads of apostles
painted by Van Dyck
Two more apostles by Van Dyck St Mathys and St Jacop