State Papers, March 1662: Petition of Justina Van Dyck, only daughter of Anthony Van Dyck to King Charles II asking for a position as dresser to the Queen, or some other relief for her distress, and reminding the King of the debt still owed by the Crown to her father, with advice to the King in the right margin.
Place, date
Westminster, 3-1662
Archival reference
The National Archives, Kew SP 29/52 f.114
Transcribed by James Innes-Mulraine
Previously untranscribed in full
How to cite: Innes-Mulraine, James. “Petition of Justina Van Dyck for the post of dresser to the Queen.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies. (accessed 22 February 2025)
To the Kings most Excellent: Majestie
The humble Peticion of Justina Vandick
only Daughter of Sir Anthony Vandick Deceased
That whereas your Petitioner two Moneths since humbly prayed your Majestie to take into your Majesties Serious Consideration the Debt of Fifteen hundred Pounds owing by your Majesties Father of ouer blessed Memory, to Sir Anthony Vandick your Petitioners father to which your Majestie was pleased to returne the gracious answer that your Majestie would Order satisfaction, as appears by the annexed Petition, and your Majesties Order thereupon
And your Petitioner having Contracted some Debts since her lyeing in Childbed and haveing receaved very little of her Fathers Estate, it being imbezzled in these late times hath nothing to trust too, but what shee expects from your Majesties Clemency
Your Petitioner therefore humbly prayes your Majestie to Ordaine her one of the Dressers to your Majesties Royall Consort or to take her distressed Condition into your Serene Consideracion and to make some Order for her livelyhood as your Majesty shall think fit
And she shall ever pray Etc.
Right margin
Justina Vandyke only daughter of Sir Anthony Vandyke deceased
Shee petitioned your Majestie about 2 months since to take into consideracion the debt of £1,500 lent by her said father to his late Majestie whereupon your Majestie was pleased to promise to take Order for her satisfacion as appears by the annexed.
Being in great want & necessity.
Your Majesty, she may be one of the dressers to your Royall Consort, or to order such satisfacion for the said debt as your Majesty shall pleased for her support.
This transcription has no translation