Archival Research


Death of Jordaens and his daughter Elisabeth (18 October 1678)


The ‘artful painter’ Jacques Jordaens dies in Antwerp at October 18th 1678, in the same night as his daughter Elisabeth.

Place and date
Antwerp, 18-10-1678

Archival reference
Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Parish Registers, Reformed Church, PR # 171, fol. 107

Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Reformed Church, PR # 171, fol. 122

Transcribed by Piet Bakker

Publication history

Document described in:

  • N. Cornelissen, ‘Tombeau de Jordaens’, Messager des Sciences et des Arts de la Belgique, I, 1833, pp. 1-11
  • F.J. Van den Branden, Geschiedenis der Antwerpsche Schilderschool, Antwerpen 1883, p. 841
  • M. Rooses, Jordaens’ leven en werken, Amsterdam/Antwerpen1906, p. 233
  • A.J. Pijnen and G.J. van Donschoot, ‘Putte, Hier leet begraven Jacques Jordaens’, in: De Heeren XVII van Nassau Brabant (Publikaties van het Archivariaat Nassau Brabant, L-LII, 1979), pp. 193, 202-210, Fig. pp. 194, 204
  • R.-A. d’Hulst, Nora De Poorter en Marc van Denven, cat. tent. Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678), (Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen; Brussel 1993) p. 13

How to cite: Bakker, Piet. “Death of Jordaens and his daughter Elisabeth.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies. (accessed 26 December 2024)

© Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project (terms and conditions)


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Folio 122

[68]  Namen der Persoonen die salichlick in den heere Jesu Christô overleden sijn


octob[ris]: is gestorve Jordaens constrijcke schilder ten … ure en twee uren des selve nacht sijn dogter Elisabet Jordaens


[68] Names of the persons who have died blissfully in the Lord Jesu Christô


October: has died Jordaens, artful painter, at … o’clock and at two o’clock the same night his daughter Elisabet Jordaens