The ‘artful painter’ Jacques Jordaens dies in Antwerp at October 18th 1678, in the same night as his daughter Elisabeth.
Place and date
Antwerp, 18-10-1678
Archival reference
Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Parish Registers, Reformed Church, PR # 171, fol. 107
Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Reformed Church, PR # 171, fol. 122
Transcribed by Piet Bakker
Document described in:
How to cite: Bakker, Piet. “Death of Jordaens and his daughter Elisabeth.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies. (accessed 29 March 2025)
[68] Namen der Persoonen die salichlick in den heere Jesu Christô overleden sijn
octob[ris]: is gestorve Jordaens constrijcke schilder ten … ure en twee uren des selve nacht sijn dogter Elisabet Jordaens
[68] Names of the persons who have died blissfully in the Lord Jesu Christô
October: has died Jordaens, artful painter, at … o’clock and at two o’clock the same night his daughter Elisabet Jordaens