Exchequer of Recept, Privy Seal Books 1636 – 1641: Privy Seal Warrant to pay £1,200 to Van Dyck for painting delivered for the King’s use, signed William Watkins, deputy for James Mylles, 23rd February 1637.
Place, date
Westminster, 23-2-1637
Archival reference
The National Archives, Kew E 403/2568 f.27
Transcribed by James Innes-Mulraine
Full transcription published in:
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How to cite: Innes-Mulraine, James. “Warrant to pay Van Dyck £1,200.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies.
jordaensvandyck.org/archive/warrant-to-pay-van-dyck-1200/ (accessed 22 February 2025)
Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defendor of the faith etc To the Treasurer and Undertreasurer of our Exchequer now being and that hereafter for the time shalbe, greeting. Our will and pleasure is, And wee doe hereby will and commaund you out of our treasure remayning in the Receipt of our exchequer forthwith to pay or cause to be paid unto our trusty and welbeloved Sir Anthony Vandike knight or his assignes the somme of twelve hundred pounds for Certaine Pictures by him delivered to our use. To be paid to him or his assignes without accompt Imprest or other charge to be sett upon him or them for the same or any part thereof. And these our letters shalbe your sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalfe. Given under our Privy Seale at our Pallace of Westminster the three and twentieth day of February in the Twelvth yeare of our Raigne.
William Watkyns deputat Jacobi Mylles[1]
Left margin
Anthony Van Dyck knight
£1,200 For Certen pictures
delivered to his Majesties use
Without accompt
vicesimo tertio Februarii 1636
[1] Translated deputy of James Mylles
This transcription includes translations