Lord Chamberlain’s Department, General Warrant Books 1628 – 1634: Warrant for a Privy Seal payment to Edward Norgate, Windsor Herald and Keeper of His Majesty’s Organs for fifteen shillings a day for Van Dyck’s board and lodging in his house, dated May 10th 1632.
Place, date
Westminster, 10-5-1632
Archival reference
The National Archives, Kew LC 5.132 f.297
Transcribed by James Innes-Mulraine
Previously untranscribed in full
Listed in:
How to cite: Innes-Mulraine, James. “Warrant for payment to Edward Norgate.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies.
jordaensvandyck.org/archive/warrant-for-a-payment-to-edward-norgate-10-may-1632/ (accessed 14 March 2025)
A Warrant for A privy seale of 15s per diem[1] to Edward Norgate for the dyet and lodging of Signior Antonio Vandike and his servants to begin from the first of Aprill last past and to continue dureing the said Vandikes residence there The said Allowance to be payd by Advance monethly before hand without Accompt or other Charge to bee set upon him for the same. May 10 1632
Left margin
Norgate Edward
Privy Seale of 15s per diem
[1] Translated daily
This transcription includes translations