Piet Bakker
For the entry on Michiel and Nicolaes Vriendt in Jan Van Damme’s article on panel makers (1990), click here.
For ‘The Panel maker Michiel Vriendt, supplier to Rubens’ by G. Gepts (1954-60) see this page.
For ‘VRINDT (DE VRIENDT, FRINT, VRIENDT, VRIENT, VRINT), Michiel, frame and panel maker, dealer in paintings’ by E. Duverger (1977) see this page.
How to cite: Bakker, Piet. “The Vriendt Family – A Biographical Timeline.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Justin Davies.
http://jordaensvandyck.org/archive/vriendt-family/ (accessed 26 March 2025)
Machil Vrindt, is recorded as apprentice in the workshop of Robijn [Pulinck], panel maker (tafereelmaker)
Machiel Vrindt, framemaker (lijstmaker), pays his annuity to the Guild.
Michiel Vriendt marries in the St.-Jacobskerk, Sara Coijmans, alias Rabat. Nicolaes Vrindt and Leonardus Rabat act as witnesses.
Elisabet, daughter of Michiel Vriendt and Sara Coijmans, is baptized in the St. Andrieskerk. Nicolaus Vrint and Elisabeth van den Vliet act as witnesses.
The board of the Guild pays Machiel Vriendt, panelmaker (tafereelmaker) for the frame to the portrait of Abraham Grapheus, servant [knaep] of the Guild [by Cornelis de Vos].
Cornelis Vriendt is mentioned as apprentice of Michiel Vriendt.
Sara, daughter of Michiel Vriendt and Sara Coijmans, is baptized in the St. Andrieskerk. Gaspar de Gardin and Elisabeth Brant act as witnesses.
Clara, daughter of Michiel Vriendt and Sara Coijmans, is baptized in the St. Andrieskerk. Jaspar van Houcke and Clara Wittenbroet act as witnesses.
The estate of the deceased Margriet van Leemputte, housewife of Gaspard van den Hoecke, owes Michiel Vrindt fifty guilders and five stivers for frames and panels.
Francois, son of Michiel Vriendt and Sara Coijmans, is baptized in the St. Andrieskerk. Franciscus Beloningh and Pascasia Breughel act as witnesses.
Michiel Vriendt, Michiel Claessens, Guillaum Gabron, Jacob van Haecht and Lambrecht Steens make a statement in favor of the deans of the Meerseniers (stallers) from Brussels. They confirmed that in Antwerp not the painters but the panel makers produced the panels, without the painters having anything to do with it.
Michiel de Vrindt, panel maker and Abraham van Oirschot, diamond cutter, are witnesses in drawing up the inventory of the goods of w: Anna de Voocht, widow of Abraham van Oirschot.
Maria, daughter of Michiel Vriendt and Sara Coijmans, is baptized in the St. Andrieskerk. Gaspar Hubrechtse and Cornelia van Weerthuysen act as witnesses.
Michiel Vriendt is paid 38 guilders for the enlargement of a too small frame for a painting by Rubens.
Joannes, son of Michiel Vriendt and Sara Coijmans, is baptized in the St. Andrieskerk. Joannes Vel and Cornelia van Ham act as witnesses.
Susanna, daughter of Michiel Vriendt and Sara Coijmans, is baptized in the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk. Anthonus Cornelissen and Elisabeth Goetkint act as witnesses.
Johannes, son of Michiel Vriendt and Sara Coijmans, is baptized in the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk. Nicolaus Vrint and Johanna Goevaerts act as witnesses.
Lucia, daughter of Michiel Vriendt and Sara Coijmans, is baptized in the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk. Johannes Baptista Robert and Anna Pulinckx act as witnesses.
Felicianus, son of Michiel Vriendt and Sara Coijmans, is baptized in the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk. Leonardus Koemans (Coijmans) and Maria Vrindt act as witnesses.
Nicolaes Vrint, frame maker (leystmaecker) pays the guild as volle meester 23 guilders and 6 stivers
Inventory of the possesions of Michiel Vrindt, panel maker (tafereel maker) and husband of Sara Rabat. He died 11 August 1637 in his house in the Kerkhofstraat. The inventory was drawn up by the widow and handed over to the Weesmeesters, as well as to Nicolaas Vrindt, brother of the deceased, and Hendrik Wiggers, guardians of the children.
The estate of the deceased Jacques van Ierschot, painter, widower of Anna Doublet and husband of Sara van Itterson owes the widow of Michiel Vriendt, frame maker (lystmaecker) 34 guilders and 2 stivers for panels and frames.
The estate of the painter Jan Snellinck pays Nicolaes Vrient, frame maker, for some frames.
The heirs of the deceased Margriet Briers, widow of Hendrick van Balen, painter, have paid the widow of Michiel Vriendt, 14 guilders and 10 stivers for panels and other goods.
The estate of the deceased Elisabeth Diericx, housewife of Jan van Ierschot, art dealer, owes the widow of Michiel Vriendt, frame maker (lystmaker) 26 guilders for frames to paintings.
The heirs of Peter Paul Rubens should pay Nicolaes Vriendt, panel maker (panneelmaecker) 283 guilders as remainder of a higher amount that has been outstanding since 24 November 1639.
Angelina Sweerdts, housewife of Guillaum Neefs, painter, pays ‘Vrindts’, frame maker (lystmaecker) nine guilders for frames for paintings.
The estate of Abraham Mathijs owes Niclaes Vriendt 20 guilders and 5 stuivers for canvasses and frames.
The estate of Paschijnke de Momper (d. 1629), housewife of the painter Gielis Antoni van Fornenberg, owes Nicolaes Vriendt, frame maker (lijstmaecker) 21 guilders.
The board of the Antwerp Wijntaverniers paid Nicolaes Vriendt for gluing the broken painting in the Chapel.
Nicolaes Vriendt glued a pannel for the Venerabelkapel in the St. Jacobskerk.
[Nicolaes] Vrint, frame maker (lystmaeker) payed his annuity to the Guild.