Exchequer of Receipt, Order Books 1632: Order to pay Edward Norgate Windsor Herald £45 for Van Dyck’s board and lodging from 2nd April to 31st May 1632, signed by the Lord Treasurer, Richard Weston Earl of Portland, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Francis Cottington Lord Cottington. Audited by Brooke, one of the Tellers of the Receipt.
Place, date
Westminster, 29-6-1632
Archival reference
The National Archives, Kew E 403/2751 f.95
Transcribed by James Innes-Mulraine
Excerpt published in:
How to cite: Innes-Mulraine, James. “Van Dyck’s Diett to Norgate.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies.
jordaensvandyck.org/archive/van-dycks-diett-to-norgate-29-june-1632/ (accessed 23 February 2025)
Veneris vicesimo novo Junij[1] 1632
Second entry on page
By Order dated vicesimo secondo Junij 1632 To Edward Norgate Esquire the somme of £45 uppon his allowance of 15 shillings per diem[2] for the diett and lodging of Signor Antonio Vandike and his servants for 60 days begun the second of Aprill 1632 and ended the last of May following 1632 being the tyme of his residence here without accompt etc per breve sub privato Sigillo datum vicesimo uno Maij[3] 1632
R[ichard] Weston Fra[ncis] Cottington
Left margin
Edward Norgate Esquire for diett of Signor Antonio Vandike lodged at his house
Right margin
[1] Translated Friday 29th June
[2] Trans. by the day
[3] Trans. by letter given under Privy Seal 21st May
This transcription includes translations