Archival Research

Panel Makers

The Claessens Family – A Biographical Timeline

A timeline of the life and work of the Claessens family

Piet Bakker

Author’s note: According to Jan Van Damme the painter Artus Claessens was Michiel’s brother. However, documentary evidence is lacking and there is no indication to assume they are.

For the entry on Michiel and Hans Claessens in Jan Van Damme’s article on panel makers (1990), click here.

How to cite: Bakker, Piet. “The Claessens Family – A Biographical Timeline.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Justin Davies. (accessed 26 March 2025)

© Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project (terms and conditions)
The drawn mark of Michiel Claessens from the November 1617 panel makers' petition


Frans Silverlinck, recorded as an apprentice of Macghiel Clasens (possibly Michiel Claessens father).

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 70 3, (1558), fol. 115r.
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 210.
Mark of Michiel Claessens on the reverse of a panel by Jacques Jordaens in a private collection.


Aelbrecht van Cleve, recorded as an apprentice of Macghiel Clasens (possibly Michiel Claessens father).

Archival reference
  • Oudermansboek van het Glazenmakersambacht 1657-1796: 1565, lijst der dekens, vrijmeesters en leerjongens van Sint-Lucasgilde, fol. 6-7.
  • G. Persoons, ‘De Liggeren der Antwerpse Sint-Lucasgilden 1566. Een aanvulling uit het Oudermansboek van het Glazenmakersambacht, 1657-1796’, in: Miscellanea Duverger, 266.
The drawn mark of Hans Claessens from the November 1617 panel makers' petition


Machiel Claes,  panel maker (tafereelmaker) registered in the Guild of Saint Luke as a master’s son

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 70 3 (1590), fol. 147v.
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 359.


Machiel Fyens, recorded as an apprentice of Michiel Claes,  panel maker (tafereel[maker])

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 70 3 (1593), fol. 147v.
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 373

4 October 1597

Michiel Claes is paid 38 guilders for a large and a small panel by the Guild of St. Martin for their chapel in the Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, GA 4589, Extracten uyt de Rekeningen van der Gulde van St. Maerten, oock gezegd der Wijntaverniers, aengaende hunne kapel in OLV Kerk.
  • L. de Burbure, Historische Nota’s dl. I, 280.


Hans Verbecke, recorded as an apprentice of vrijmeester (free master) Machil Claes,  panel maker (taferreelmaker)

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 70 3 (1599), fol. 161r.
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 409.

5 August 1604

Michiel Claessens, panel maker (tafereelmaker) and Margriete van Nierop make a will on the last man standing.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Notariaat, Not. G. van den Donck, N#3826.
  • Jan van Damme, “De Antwerpse tafereelmakers en hun merken: identificatie en betekenis”, in Jaarboek voor het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, (1990) 193-236, spec. 200-205.

12 December 1606

Michiel Claessens, panel maker (tafereelmaker) and Margriete van Nierop make a will on the last man standing.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Notariaat, Not. G. van den Donck, N#3826.
  • Jan van Damme, “De Antwerpse tafereelmakers en hun merken: identificatie en betekenis”, in Jaarboek voor het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, (1990) 193-236, spec. 200-205.

20 November 1614

Before he marries Johanna Verspellen, widow of Janne Smeijers, an inventory is made of the belongings of Michiel Claessens, panel maker (tafereel maeckere), widower of Elisabeth Baseliers and Margriet van Mierop. The  panel makers Jacques Luijtiens and Guillaume Aerttsen valued alle sijn werckhout, wageschot, panelen, gereetschappen ende alle ‘t gene tot het tafereelmaken dienende.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Notariaat, Not. G. van den Donck, N#3492.
  • Jan van Damme, “De Antwerpse tafereelmakers en hun merken: identificatie en betekenis”, in Jaarboek voor het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, (1990) 193-236, spec. 200-205.

23 November 1614

Michiel Claessens marries Johanna Verspellen in Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk in Antwerp. Guilliam Claessens and Bartholomeus van Angelroy act as witnesses.

Archival reference
  • Antwerp, Parish Register OLV-kerk zuid, Marriages, 1612-24 (scan 22).
  • Previously unpublished

11 April 1615

Mich[iel] Claess is mentioned as living in the house called Drie Coningen aka Drie Cronen in de Corte Gasthuijsstraet, previously owned by Hans Smeyers.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Huisnamen in Wijkboeken van Ketgen, PK#2260, 107.
  • Previously unpublished


Machiel Claes, framemaker (lijstmaker), mentioned as a master’s son.

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 70 3 (1615), fol. 176v.
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 515.

13 June 1615

Hans Claessens marries Elisabeth Coenen in the Onze Lieve-Vrouwekerk. His father Michiel Claessens and Hans van Beneen act as witnesses.

Archival reference
  • Antwerp, Parish Register, Marriages, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk-zuid.
  • Previously unpublished


Received from the son of the alderman of the panel makers, Michiel [Claes, framemaker] six guilders.

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 70 3 (1615).
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 523.


Machill Claes, panel maker (tafereelmaker, alderman, cum suis), lives at Corte Gasthuysstrate.

  • Boek gehouden door Jan Moretus II …., Antwerp 1878, 17.



Machiel Claessens, mentioned as departing alderman of the frame- and  panel makers

  • Boek gehouden door Jan Moretus II …., Antwerp 1878, 17.



Hans Claessens, panel maker (tafereelmaker) son of Machil, lives at Vleminckvelt.

  • Boek gehouden door Jan Moretus II …., Antwerp 1878, 17.

12 July 1617

The aldermen of the panel makers, Jacques Verhaecht, his cousin Hans Verhaecht and Michiel Claessens, Tobias Verhaecht and Francois Francken, gathered with Jan Moerentorf in the Robijn to decide with Mr. Moy, the secretary, on the ordinance of the panel makers, but the secretary did not show up. The expenses in the Robijn were set at 22 guilders.

  • Boek gehouden door Jan Moretus II …., Antwerp 1878, 17.


13 November 1617

Michiel Claessens and his son Hans Claessens signed the petition for an ordinance, the first as alderman.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Gilden en ambachten, GA#4346.
  • Jan van Damme, ‘De Antwerpse tafereelmakers en hun merken: identificatie en betekenis’, Jaarboek voor het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, (1990) 193-236, spec. 200-205.


Jochem van der Lanen mentioned as apprentice of Michiel Claessens, panel maker.

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 200 7 (1617-18), fol. 192.
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 542.


Francois Forgeus is mentioned as apprentice of Hans Claessens, panel maker (tafereilmaecker).

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 200 7 (1617-18), fol. 193.
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 545.


Hans Claessens owes the guild some money on behalf of Francois Forgeus.

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 200 7 (1617-18).
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 548.

25 May 1621

The estate of Margriet van Leemputte and Gaspard van den Hoecke, painter, owes Michiel Claessens, panel maker, twelve guilders and twelve stuivers for frames and panels.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Weeskamer, WK#483, fol. 886-894.
  • E. Duverger, Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit de zeventiende eeuw, (Brussel 1984-2009) Vol 2, 168


Hans Claessens is mentioned as deceased and his heirs owe the guild 3 guilders and 8 stivers.

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 200 7 (1622-23), fol. 331.
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 588.

28 November 1623

Michiel Vrient, Michiel Claessens, Guillaum Gabron, Jacob van Haecht and Lambrecht Steens make a statement in favor of the deans of the Meerseniers (stallers) from Brussels. They confirmed that in Antwerp not the painters but the panel makers produced the panels, without the painters having anything to do with it.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Notariaat, Not. H. Van Cantelbeck, N#3377.
  • Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek, Vol. 7, kolom 1032

7 April 1624

Joanna Schenckels, wife of painter Daniel Cristiaens. Owes money to Guilliam Gabron and Michiel Claessens.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Weeskamer, WK#482 [unpaged]
  • Previously unpublished

15 October 1625

Michiel Claessens wants 50 guilders for rent from Pieter Huyskens, who lives in a house owned by him and named the Roy Lelie, located on the Rogier. Claessens has locked the door and will only unlock it after he is paid. The commissioners agree with him.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Rekwestboek, PK#722, fol. 189.
  • Previously unpublished

11 August 1626

David Remeeus, painter, widower of Anna de Vos and husband of Johanna de Prince owes Michiel Claessens a small amout of money.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Weeskamer, WK#546, fol. 193-252.
  • E. Duverger, Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit de zeventiende eeuw, (Brussel 1984-2009) Vol. 2, 480.

19 May 1627

Margriet Musson, spouse of Jaspar van den Hoecke, painter, owes Michiel Claessens, panel maker (tafereel- oft panneelmaecker) 237 guilders for frames and panels.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Weeskamer, WK#555, fol. 284-306v.
  • E. Duverger, Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit de zeventiende eeuw, (Brussel 1984-2009) Vol. 3, 20-22.


Giliam van Lokeren mentioned as apprentice of Michgiel [Claessens], frame maker (lijstmaker)

Archival reference
  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, KASKA, Oud Archief Sint Lucasgilde, 200 7 (1627-28), fol. 461.
  • Ph. Rombouts and Th. van Lerius, De Liggeren en andere historische archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 Vols. (Antwerp 1872) I, 646 & 657.

14 March 1636

Michiel Claessens and Susanna van Goch, widow of Mathijs Huijnen, made their prenuptial agreements

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Notariaat, Not. B. van den Berghe, N#3470, fol. 108r-109r.
  • Previously unpublished

5 September 1637

An inventory is made of the goods left behind by the late Michiel Claessens, panel maker (tafereelmaker), widower of Rlisabeth Baseliers and husband of Susanna van Goch

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Notariaat, not. Bartholomeeus van den Berghe, N#3503
  • E. Duverger, Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit de zeventiende eeuw, (Brussel 1984-2009) Vol. 4, 953-956.
  • Note: Duverger mentions Elisabeth Coenen as the wife of Michiel Claessens. She was, however, the wife of Michiel’s son Hans.

18 December 1637

Gillis [sic] Claess cum suis sell the house called Drie Coningen aka Drie Cronen in de Corte Gasthuijsstraet to Gaspar de Coster.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Huisnamen in Wijkboeken van Ketgen, PK#2260, 107.
  • Previously unpublished

May 1638

The inventory of all goods of Michiel Claessens, widower of Elisabeth Baseliers, who died a year earlier on September 5th.

Archival reference
  • Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Weeskamer, WK#688, fol. 220 e.v.
  • E. Duverger, Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit de zeventiende eeuw, (Brussel 1984-2009) Vol. 4, 157-159.
  • Note: Duverger mentions Hans Claessens half-brother of Gillis and Elisabeth. However, like them, he is a child from Claessens’ marriage with Elisabeth Baseliers and thus a full brother of the other two.