Copies of Naval and miscellaneous warrants 1628 – 1641, original from the Order Book of the Exchequer: Warrant to pay Endymion Porter Groom of the Bedchamber £78 in repayment for the price of Van Dyck’s ‘Rinaldo and Armida’ bought by him on behalf of the King.
Place and date
Unlocated Privy Council meeting, 18-03-1630
Archival reference
British Library Egerton MS 2553 f.54b.
© British Library Board (Egerton MS 2553 f.54b)
Transcribed by James Innes-Mulraine
Full transcription published by:
How to cite: Innes-Mulraine, James. “Repayment to Endymion Porter for Rinaldo and Armida.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies. (accessed 26 March 2025)
Warrant for Mr Endyminion Porter
Charles by the grace of God etc: To the Treasurer and under Treasurer of the Exchequer for the tyme being greeting whereas wee have appointed Endymion Porter one of the Groomes of our Bedchamber for us and in our name to buy one picture of the Storie of Reynaldo and Armyda: which wee doe acknowledge to have received and for which hee hath payd the Summe of seaventy eight pounds unto Monsieur Vandicke of Antwerpe These are to will and require you that out of such our Treasyre as is, or that hereafter shall remayne in ye receipt of our Exchequer to pay or cause to bee payd unto the said Endymion Porter or to his Assignes the said sume of seaventy eight pounds without impresson or Accompt or other Charge to bee set on him or them for the sume And for etc. Given by the 18th of March 1629
The Clearke of the Signett attending is hereby required to prepare a Warrant to this purpose for his Majesties Signature.
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