Archbishop Laud and Archbishop Juxon’s miscellaneous Treasury Books: Orders signed for but not payd, including £600 owed to Van Dyck,; instruction from William London one of the Tellers of the Receipt to Sir Robert Pye Auditor of the Exchequer dated 29th April 1637.
Place, date
Westminster, 29-4-1637
Archival reference
The National Archives, Kew T 56/4 f.2
Transcribed by James Innes-Mulraine
Excerpt published in:
How to cite: Innes-Mulraine, James. “Orders signed for but not paid, £600 to Van Dyck.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies. (accessed 22 February 2025)
Orders signed but not payd
Mr Sheffield for his howse___________180 –
Ordnance______________________1940 –
Marquis Hamilton________________684 –
Lord of Senbier__________________600 but halfe yet
Sir Francis Godolphin for Silley_______636 –
Lewis Richards__________________100 –
Sir Charles Harbord for Sages Cour_____200 –
Cofferer________________________3000 –
Privy Purse______________________700 –
Sir Henry Sailman_________________300 –
Sir Anthony Vandike________________600 –
Sir John Borougher_________________200 –
Willis___________________________300 –
Queenes Priests and Pencion___________1200 –
Bushy parke______________________200 –
Sir Robert Pye/
I have sent into the Exchequer this morning £20,000.
Praie therefore lett these summs or so manye of them as are yet unpayed (for which you have alreadie orders) be first satisfied And among these the[1] late Agent at venice hath an order for £400
vicesimo novo Aprilis[2] 1637 Guilelmus[3] London
[1] Interlin.
[2] Translated ‘29th April 1637’
[3] Trans. ‘William’
This transcription includes translations