Letters relating to Thomas Howard Earl of Arundel and Surrey: The Duke of Hamilton writes from York to the Earl of Arundel, enclosing a pass for Van Dyck, and discusses some boats that he has commissioned.
Place and date
York 13-09-1640
Archive Reference
British Library BM Add MS 1570
Transcribed by James Innes-Mulraine
Extract published by:
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How to cite: Innes-Mulraine, James. “Marquess of Hamilton to the Earl of Arundel re pass for Van Dyck.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies.
jordaensvandyck.org/archive/marquess-of-hamilton-to-the-earl-of-arundel-re-pass-for-van-dyck-13-september-1640/ (accessed 26 March 2025)
My Nobill Lord
your Lordship will be pleased to cause send this inclosed paper pase to Sir Antony Vandyck, & againe, I crave your Lordships pardone for my not sending of itt sooner..-
as for the boaotes(2)[1], your Lo mentiones, if you have any use of them, the admeral must be spooke to, for thoes thatt I caused make, wantes oares, masts and sales, but there are divers other bootes of the same bignes that lyeth at Detford, redy fitted with all thing nesisaire; yett if your Lo think to use anie of thoes I bespook as they are your Lordshop may be pleased to comand, one Michell who meade them, to bring them whither you shall apoint, for he knoweth where they ar.
So wishing you Lordship health, and hapines I rest your Lordships most humble Servant
Yorke The 13 September 1640
[1] Interlined Lord Hamilton notes the number of boats in brackets.