Archival Research

Van Dyck

‘Twenty (studies for) heads’ in the inventory of Guilliam Van Hamme (May & June 1668)


The panel paintings ‘Twenty (studies for) heads by Van Dyck’ were mentioned in the inventory of decease of Guilliam Van Hamme, law graduate, priest and canon in the Church of Our Lady in Antwerp. He died on the 24th of March 1668.

Place and date
Antwerp, 24 & 25-05-1668, 06-06-1668

Archival reference
Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, N # 4075, 24 & 25-05-1668, 06-06-1668

Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Notaris Gaspar Van Hemselroij N # 4075 (1666-1671), 24 & 25-05-1668, 06-06-1668

Transcribed by Ingrid Moortgat

Publication history

Extract published by:

  • Duverger, Erik. Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit de zeventiende eeuw. Brussel : Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, 1984-2009, vol. 9, p 115.
  • Van Den Branden, Frans Jos. “Verzameling van schilderijen te Antwerpen.” In Antwerpsch Archievenblad, dl. 21, p 455-458.
  • Denucé, Jan. De Antwerpsche “konstkamers” : inventarissen van kunstverzamelingen te Antwerpen in de 16e en 17e eeuwen. Antwerpen: De Sikkel, 1932, p 246-250.

Panel Painting mentioned in:

  • Barnes, Susan J., Nora De Poorter, Oliver Millar and Horst Vey. Van Dyck. A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2004, p 91-92.
  • As reference in the provenance of the (paper on) panel paintings “Head of a Man”.

How to cite: Moortgat, Ingrid. “’Twenty (studies for) heads’ in the inventory of Guilliam Van Hamme.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies. (accessed 26 March 2025)

© Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project (terms and conditions)


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Page 1 (24 to 25-05-1668 and 06-06-1668)

Op heden den vierentwintichsen dach der maent van mey
des jaers xvic ende achtentsestich compareeren voor mij Gaspar
van Hemselroij, openbaer notaris soo by den secreten als raede
van Brabant respectievelijk geadmitteert, t Antwerpen residerende,
in de presentie van Gillis de Vos ende Albert Treps als
getuijghen, d’ eerw[aarde] heeren Peeter vanden Perre, canonick
ende tresorier der cathedrale kercke van onser lievent
vrouwe binnen deser stadt ende Jo[nke]r Guilliam van
Hamme, schepene der stede van Brussel als executeurs
van den testamente ende vuyttersten wille van wylen
de eerw[aarde] heer Guilliam van Hamme, prothonotaris
apostolicq, priester, canonick ende scholast van
onse lieve vrouwen kerkcke binnen deser stadt, die
op heden deser weerelt is comen afflijvich te
worden binnen sijnen woonhuijse gestaen ende
geleden tegenover het groen kerckhoff van onser
lievent vrouwen. Ende versochteen mij not[ari]s dat
ick soude beschrijven, thonen, overstaen ende in pr[esen]tie
van de voorseiden getuijghen allen de goederen by den voorseiden
afflijvigen achtergelaten dewelcke sijn soo erven
gelijck als volght

After the introduction the notary lists the goods found in the home of the deceased.

Inventory of the goods of Guilliam Van Hamme, law graduate, priest and canon in the Church of Our Lady in Antwerp. He died on the 24th of March 1668 in his residence across the Groen Kerkhof. The inventory is made by the notary Gaspar Van Hemselroij at the request and in the presence of Peter Van Den Perre, canon and treasurer of the Church of Our Lady and of Guilliam Van Hamme, alderman in Brussel, executors. The witnesses are Gillis De Vos and Albert Treps.

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Page 5 (24 to 25-05-1668 and 06-06-1668)

These paintings were found in ‘t cleijn camerken neffens de eetsalet’ (the small room next to the dining room).


Twintich stuckxkens van cavaillier Van Dijck wesende tronien
op verscheijde manieren, staende boven de goude leiren.


Twenty pieces by the cavalier Van Dyck of (studies for) heads
in different ways, above the gilded leather.

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Page 6 (24 to 25-05-1668 and 06-06-1668)

These paintings were found in ‘de bovencamer boven de groote salet’ (the upstairs room above the drawing room).


Twintich stuckxkens van cavaillier Van Dijck wesende tronien
op verscheijde manieren, staende boven de goude leiren.


Thirteen (studies for) heads above the gilded leather by Rubens as well as by
Van Dyck in black frames with borders in gold.