Archival Research

Van Dyck

‘An Assumption of the Virgin’ in the inventory of Victor Wolfvoet (24 & 26 October 1652)


The panel painting ‘An Assumption of the Virgin after Van Dyck’ was mentioned in the inventory of decease of Victor Wolfvoet, painter, and widower of Elizabeth Merttens.
He died on the 23th of October 1652.

Place and date
Antwerp, 24 & 26-10-1652

Archival reference
Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, N # 3521, 24 & 26-10-1652

Felixarchief / Antwerp City Archives, Notaris Bartholomeus Van Den Berghe (1650-1652),
N # 3521, 24 & 26-10-1652

Images: © FelixArchief, Stadsarchief Antwerpen

Transcribed by Ingrid Moortgat

Publication history

Published by:

  • Duverger, Erik. Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit de zeventiende eeuw. Brussel : Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, 1984-2009, vol. 6, p 352.

Extract published by:

  • Van Den Branden, Frans Jos. “Verzameling van schilderijen te Antwerpen.” In Antwerpsch Archievenblad, dl. 21, p 358-379.
  • Denucé, Jan. De Antwerpsche “konstkamers” : inventarissen van kunstverzamelingen te Antwerpen in de 16e en 17e eeuwen. Antwerpen: De Sikkel, 1932, p 136-152.

Panel Painting mentioned in:

  • Barnes, Susan J., Nora De Poorter, Oliver Millar and Horst Vey. Van Dyck. A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2004, p 273.
  • As reference in the provenance of the panel painting “The Assumption of the Virgin”.

How to cite: Moortgat, Ingrid. “‘An Assumption of the Virgin’ in the inventory of Victor Wolfvoet.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies. (accessed 22 February 2025)

© Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project (terms and conditions)


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Folio 1

Op heden den xxiiiien dach der maent
van october van den jaere ons heeren
duysent seshondert ende tweenvyftich.
Alsoo op gisteren deser weetelt is comen
t overlyden S[eigneu]r Victor Wolfvoet, const-
schilder alhier, weduwnaar van wylen
Jo[ouffrouw]e Elizabeth Merttens. Soo syn voor my,
Bartholomeus van den Berghe, openbaeren
notaris, soo by den secreten rade als rade van
Brabant geadmitteert t Antwerpen
residerende, ende ten bywesene van de getuyghen
naarg[enoemp]t, gecompareert S[eigneu]rs Jacques van
Roey ende Cornelis de Baellieur, beyde
executeurs van den testament des voorseiden
Victors ende daerby genomineerd testamentelyk
momboiren, by hen aenveert ende geaccepteert,
over Lievina Wolffvoet, desselfs
Victors wettige dochtere, daer de voorseide wylen
Jo[ouffrouw]e Elizabeth Merttens de moeder aff was,
ende versochten deselve executeurs ende
momboiren aen my not[ari]s dat ick by
inventaris soude stellen ende redigeeren in
geschrifte alle de goederen, haeffelijke ende
erffelijke, by de voorseide afflevighen achtergelaten ende
t synen sterffhuyse te bevinden [onleesbaar, doorstreept]. Verclaert
aldus versocht werdt ter p[rese]ntie van
Cornelis Mahoen, Jeronimus Plusk
ende Jan Bapt[ist]a Noten als getuyghen
welcken volgens hebbe ick, de voorschreven not[ari]s,
terselver stondt ten overstaen ende te

Inventory of the goods of Victor Wolfvoet, painter, and widower of Elizabeth Merttens. He died on the 23th of October 1652 in his residence in St Jansstraet and left behind a daughter: Lievina Wolffvoet. The inventory is made by the notary Bartholomeus Van Den Berghe by request and in the presence of Jacques van Roey and Cornelis de Baellieur, executors and  guardians to Lievina Wolffvoet and Elizabeth Wolffvoet, sister of the deceased. The witnesses are Cornelis Mahoen, Jeronimus Plusk and Jan Baptista Noten.

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Folio 2

presentie van voorschreven executeurs ende testamentelyk
momboiren ende mede van Jo[ouffrouw]e Elizabeth
Wolffvoet, deses afflevigens sustere,
begonst te maeken ende in geschrifte te
stellen desen inventaris te selven
sterffhuyse gevallen in St Jansstraete
alhier, ende dat soo ende als volght


After the introduction the notary lists the goods found in the home of the deceased.

Inventory of the goods of Victor Wolfvoet, painter, and widower of Elizabeth Merttens. He died on the 23th of October 1652 in his residence in St Jansstraet and left behind a daughter: Lievina Wolffvoet. The inventory is made by the notary Bartholomeus Van Den Berghe by request and in the presence of Jacques van Roey and Cornelis de Baellieur, executors and  guardians to Lievina Wolffvoet and Elizabeth Wolffvoet, sister of the deceased. The witnesses are Cornelis Mahoen, Jeronimus Plusk and Jan Baptista Noten.

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Folio 10

In this part of the inventory the paintings owned by the deceased are registered.


n° 336  Een hemelvaert van Onse Lieve Vrouwe na Van Dyck op
panneel in lyste

n° 336  An Assumption of Our Lady after Van Dyck on
panel in a frame