Exchequer of Receipt: Order Book 1638. Order following Privy Seal Warrant dated 14th December 1638 for the payment of £603 to Van Dyck, with a further payment of £403; with signatures of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Francis Lord Cottington, and William London and Sir William Savile, two of the Tellers of the Receipt.
Place and date
London 12-03-1639
Archival reference
National Archives, Kew E 403/2757 f.91
Transcribed by James Innes-Mulraine
Excerpt published in:
How to cite: Innes-Mulraine, James. “Order following Privy Seal warrant to pay Van Dyck £603.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Edited by Joost Vander Auwera and Justin Davies.
jordaensvandyck.org/archive/order-following-privy-seal-warrant-to-pay-van-dyck-603-12-march-1639/ (accessed 29 March 2025)
Martis Duodecimo Martij[1] 1638
By Order dated undevicesimo Februarij[2] 1638 To Sir Anthony Vandike knight the somme of £603 for divers pictures by him made and sold unto his Majestie without accompt Imprest etc per breve sub private Sigillo datum decimoquarto Decembris 1638[3] ——-
Guil[elmus] London Fra[ncis] Cottington
Left margin
Sir Anthony Vandike knight
for divers pictures by
him made and sold unto
his Majestie
Right margin
£603 unde isto die[4] £403 – Savil
[1] Translated Tuesday 12th March
[2] Trans. 19th February
[3] Trans. 14th December
[4] Trans. out of which [paid] on that day
This transcription includes translations